Publications & Peer Review


An up-to-date publication list is also available on Google Scholar: 

Peer reviewed

  • Daugaard, U., Merkli, S., Merz, E., Pomati, F. & Petchey, O.L. (2024). The dependence of forecasts on sampling frequency as a guide to optimizing monitoring in community ecology. Ecosphere, 15, e4786.
    Doi: Data & code: DOI

  • Limberger, R., Daugaard, U., Gupta, A., Krug, R.M., Lemmen, K.D., Van Moorsel, S.J., et al. (2023). Functional diversity can facilitate the collapse of an undesirable ecosystem state. Ecology Letters, 26, 883–895.
    Doi: Data: DOI Code: DOI

  • Daugaard, U., Munch, S., Inauen, D., Pennekamp, F. & Petchey, O. (2022). Forecasting in the face of ecological complexity: number and strength of species interactions determines forecast skill in ecological communities. Ecology Letters.
    Doi: Data & code: DOI

  • Suleiman, M., Daugaard, U., Choffat, Y., Zheng, X. & Petchey, O.L. (2022). Predicting the effects of multiple global change drivers on microbial communities remains challenging. Global Change Biology, 28, 5575–5586.
    Doi: Data & code: DOI

  • Suleiman, M., Choffat, Y., Daugaard, U. & Petchey, O.L. (2021). Large and interacting effects of temperature and nutrient addition on stratified microbial ecosystems in a small, replicated, and liquid-dominated Winogradsky column approach. Microbiologyopen, 10, e1189.

  • Daugaard, U., Petchey, O.L. & Pennekamp, F. (2019). Warming can destabilize predator–prey interactions by shifting the functional response from Type III to Type II. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88, 1575–1586.
    Doi: Data & code: DOI


  • Daugaard, U., Furrer, R. & Petchey, O.L. (2021). Prey speed up, predators slow down: non-consumptive effects on movement behavior of a ciliate predator-prey pair. bioRxiv, 2021–11.
    Doi: Data & code: DOI

Peer Review

I have reviewed scientific articles for the following journals:

  • Ecology Letters
  • Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Ecology
  • PeerJ
  • Protist

More information on Publons: 

Drawing of Stentor sp. (ciliate). (c) Uriah Daugaard (2023)