Contributed Talks


  • The dependence of forecasts on sampling frequency as a guide to optimizing monitoring in community ecology
    • GfÖ 2023 (52nd annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland), Leipzig, Germany, Sep 12 - 16 2023.


  • Forecasting in the face of ecological complexity: number and strength of species interactions determine forecast skill in ecological communities
    • Biology 2022 (Swiss conference on organismic biology), Basel, Switzerland, Feb 17-18, 2022.
    • SFE² GFÖ EEF (International Conference on Ecological Sciences), Metz, France, Nov 21 - 25, 2022.


  • Non-consumptive and resource-availability effects in a ciliate predator-prey pair
    • ESA 2021 (annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America), virtual, Aug 2 - 6, 2021.


  • Warming can destabilize predator–prey interactions by shifting the functional response from Type III to Type II
    • BES 2020 (annual meeting of the British Ecological Society), virtual, Dec 14 - 18, 2020.



  • Forecasting in the face of ecological complexity: number and strength of species interactions determine forecast skill in ecological communities
    • INTECOL 2022 (13th International Congress of Ecology), Geneva, Switzerland, Aug 28 - Sep 2 2022.
      • Selected as one of the 10 best posters invited to give a flash talk during the opening plenary.
    • Ecology Symposium hosted by Life Science Zurich Graduate School, Zurich, Switzerland, Oct 12 2022.
    • The poster is available here.
  Drawing of Paramecium caudatum (ciliate). (c) Uriah Daugaard (2021)